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HOW Free Download


HOW – A psychological horror game where you play as a prisoner exploring the depths of a large and horrific medical facility. You must survive the many creatures and abominations…

Game Overview


HOW or Human Operations Worldwide is a punishing and terrifying experience from massive death machines to fast and ugly creatures chasing you through the halls. You must use your skills of strategy and survival to live long enough to escape. In this game there is not a set path for your story and you must explore and scavenge what you can without being torn apart. There are many rooms to explore in the building and not only do you have to find them but there are keys spread out across the levels for you to find and use. There are seven levels accessed by elevator each…


info Title: HOW

developer Developer: LXXII

developer Publisher: LXXII

release date Release Date: 13 Mar, 2023

genre Genre: Horror, Adventure, Strategy, Survival, Sci-fi




release name Release Name: HOW-TENOKE

cracked by Cracked by: TENOKE

size Release Size: 499.41 MB





System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 10/11 64-bit
  • Memory: 1000 MB RAM
  • Storage: 918 MB available space


HOW Torrent Download

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