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Sudoku Killer v1.171

Sudoku Killer / 杀手数独 Free Download


Sudoku Killer / 杀手数独 – Killer Sudoku (Sumdoku/Mathdoku/Addoku) puzzles include all the rules of regular Sudoku, but add in dashed-line ‘cages’, which must sum to given values….

Game Overview


Sudoku (数独 sūdoku, digit-single) – is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid (also called “boxes”, “blocks”, or “regions”) contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. Killer Sudoku puzzles include all the rules of regular Sudoku but add in dashed-line ‘cages’ which must sum to given values. Killer Sudoku is also sometimes known as Sumdoku, Mathdoku or Addoku. The name ‘Killer’ Sudoku arises because of the wicked twist on the…


info Title: Sudoku Killer / 杀手数独

developer Developer: Konstructors Entertainment

developer Publisher: Konstructors Entertainment

release date Release Date: 19 Oct, 2018

genre Genre: Casual, Strategy, Puzzle




release name Release Name: Sudoku Killer

cracked by Cracked by: P2P

size Release Size: 88.5 MB





System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 7+


Sudoku Killer / 杀手数独 Torrent Download

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