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TENDY: Robot Gardener

TENDY: Robot Gardener Free Download


TENDY: Robot Gardener – Tend to the intergalactic flora and fauna on a puzzling space station. This short n’ weird journey takes around 2 hours to complete.

Game Overview


Take care of the intergalactic flora and fauna on a puzzling space station. Program TENDY, ROBOT GARDENER, to complete sets of tasks left to you by the station’s mysterious creators. This short n’ weird game takes around 2 hours to complete. TENDY: Robot Gardener is part of the CosmOS 9 bundle, a set of 9 puzzle games discovered on a mysterious video game console drifting in outer space.. Key Fetures:Plan and send instructions to TENDY, a gardening robot on an abandoned space station – your outbound messages will only have minimal semantic decay over the massive…


info Title: TENDY: Robot Gardener

developer Developer: Michael Schmitt, TJ Richardson

developer Publisher: Too Much Tomato

release date Release Date: 19 May, 2022

genre Genre: Puzzle, Sci-fi, Adventure, Strategy




release name Release Name: TENDY Robot Gardener

cracked by Cracked by: P2P

size Release Size: 78.46 MB





System Requirement


  • OS: Windows 10


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